Windows Server 2003이 EOS 된 후 Technet 과 MSDN에 유지되던 이전 Windows 관련 문서들이 언젠가부터 사이트에서 사라지고 PDF 파일로 받게 변경되었었습니다. 문제는 PDF 파일이 엄청 커서 웹에서 보는 것 만큼 편하게 보기 힘들다는 것이었고 마이크로소프트의 정책 변경에 아쉬워했던 것이 사실 입니다.

Windows 문서의 경우 Windows 2000, 2003 에서 개발되어 해당 버전의 문서에서 내부 인터널한 내용을 많이 다룬 모듈들은 더 이상 새로운 버전의 문서에서 인터널한 내용을 다루지 않고 새로 추가된 기능만 설명하기 때문에 이전 버전의 문서를 손쉽게 검색해서 볼 수 없다는 것에 아쉬움이 많았습니다.

하지만 어제 마이크로소프트 PM인 Ned 의 트위터 좋은 소식이 들려 왔습니다.

Windows previous versions documentation

자그마치 Windows 2000 부터 문서가 등록되어 있습니다. 

WinDbg를 사용한 디버깅을 강의할 일이 있었는데 Release 한 제품에 대한 디버깅을 위해서 Symbol 서버를 구축해야 한다는 말씀들 드렸더니 SymStore 사용법이나 IIS 를 이용한 HTTP 기반의 Symbol server 구축에 대한 가이드가 있으면 좋겠다는 의견이 있어 이 블로그를 작성 하였습니다.

물론 저는 한번 구현해보는 수준으로 해본 것으로 실제 상용 제품의 Symbol Server를 구축 하시려고 하면 좀 더 고려할 것이 많을 것으로 보입니다.

SymStore 란?

SymStore는 심볼 저장소를 만드는 도구로 Debugging Tools for Windows 패키지에 포함되어 있습니다.
SymStore는 이미지의 타임 스탬프와 이미지 크기 또는 서명과 PDB 파일을 기간에 따라서 심볼을 찾을 수 있도록 심볼 파일을 보관 합니다.
SymStore를 사용하면 모든 심볼을 하나의 서버에 보관할 수 있으며 해당 제품이나 모듈에 대한 지식이 없이도 디버거가 심볼을 검색할 수 있습니다.
하지만 public 심볼과 private 실볼은 동일한 서명과 파일의 기간이 동일하기 때문에 동일한 서버에 보관할 수 없습니다.

SymStore 트랜잭션
SymStore은 add와 delete 라는 두 개의 트랜잭션이 있습니다.
심볼 저장소가 만들어지만 심볼 저장소로 사용되는 파일 서버의 파일 공유 루트에 000admin 이라는 폴더가 만들어지고 트랜잭션을 기록하는 파일이 트랜잭션당 하나 만들어 지고 Server.txt와 History.txt 파일이 만들어 집니다. Server.txt에는 현재 서버에 있는 모든 트랜잭션 목록이 들어 있고 History.txt에는 모든 트랜잭션의 기록이 시간순으로 있습니다.

add와 del 옵션을 사용해서 트랜잭션을 수행 합니다. /p 옵션을 사용하면 실제 파일이 추가되는 것이 아니고 파일에 대한 포인터가 추가된다고 하는데 별도의 심볼 서버를 운영하는 것이 더 간편하다고 생각되어 /p는 사용하지 않는게 나을 것으로 보입니다.

심볼 저장소를 만들 때 인덱스 파일과 실제 저장소를 나누어서 만들 수 있다고 되어 있으나 관리에 문제가 있으니 하나로 관리 하는 것이 더 좋다고 생각 됩니다. 대신 심볼 서버를 주기적으로 백업해주는 것이 좋을 것으로 생각 됩니다.

그리고 SymStore는 여러 사용자가 동시에 트랜잭션을 실행하는 것을 지원하지 않으므로 일일 빌드 또는 제품 출시를 위한 빌드에서 한 번만 수행하는 것이 좋습니다.

트랜잭션 예제
심볼 파일을 심볼 스토어에 추가하는 것은 아래와 같은 명령을 사용 합니다. MyApp 이라는 빌드 서버의 공유 폴더에서 심볼을 가져오는 것으로 되어 있는데 심볼 파일이 있는 경로에서 Symstore를 실행한다면 .\ 와 같은 경로를 지정할 수도 있습니다.
symstore add /r /f \\Myapp\appserver\x64\Release /s \\MySymServer\symsrv /t "My Application" /v "Build 001" /c "New Build"

트랜잭션을 삭제하는 것은 아래와 같이 트랜잭션 번호를 주어서 삭제할 수 있습니다.
symstore del /i 0000000001 /s \\MySymServer\symsrv

몇번 트랜잭션을 추가, 삭제 하였더니 아래와 같은 기록이 남았습니다.

0000000006,add,file,03/04/2018,16:34:40,"CreateProcess","1.0","The first build",

0000000003,add,file,03/04/2018,16:15:24,"title","version info","comment",
0000000006,add,file,03/04/2018,16:34:40,"My Application","Build 001","New build",

그리고 0000000001 트랜잭션 파일에는 아래와 같이 기록이 남아 있습니다.

심볼 스토리지 포맷
Symstore는 파일 시스템 자체를 데이터베이스로 사용합니다. 심볼 파일 타임 스탬프, 서명, 파일 기간 그리고 다른 데이터를 사용하여 폴더 이름을 만들어서 관리 합니다.
아래 예는 SymStore 설명에 있는 예제 입니다.
Directory of \\mybuilds\symsrv\acpi.dbg
10/06/1999  05:46p      <DIR>          .
10/06/1999  05:46p      <DIR>          ..
10/04/1999  01:54p      <DIR>          37cdb03962040
10/04/1999  01:49p      <DIR>          37cdb04027740
10/04/1999  12:56p      <DIR>          37e3eb1c62060
10/04/1999  12:51p      <DIR>          37e3ebcc27760

심볼 파일은 SRV*c:\symbols*\\mybuilds\symsrv 와 같이 설정해주면 됩니다.

Web 기반 Symbol 서버 구축
1. Windows Server 2012 Standard 설치
2. IIS 설치
  2.1 Server Manager를 실행 한 후 우측 상단의 Manage - Add Roles and Features - Next - Next - Next - Web Server (IIS) - Web Server 선택 후
      Management Tools 에서 IIS Management Script and Tools 선택 하여 설치
  2.2 Web Server (IIS) - Web Server - Security - Windows Authentication 선택하여 설치
3. Server Manager에서 Tools 를 선택 후 Innetnet Information service (IIS) Manager 실행
4. C:\Symbols 폴더 만들기
5. 서버명 - sites - Default Web Site에서 오른쪽 마우스 클릭하여 Add Virtual Directory 선택 후 Alias 에 Symbols 입력하고 Path에 c:\Symbols 입력하고 OK
6. 서버명을 클릭한 후 가운데 Management 아래에 있는 Configuration Editor 더블 클릭
7. Section 에서 system.applicationHost - sites 선택 후 virtualDirectoryDefaults - allowSubDirConfig 를 False 로 변경
8. 서버명 - Sites - Default Web Site - Symbols 를 클릭한 후 IIS 아래에 있는 Directory Browsing 을 더블 클릭 한 후 Enable 선택
9. Default Web Site 를 클릭한 후 MIME Types 를 더블 클릭한 후 add 를 클릭하고 File name extension에 .* 룰 입력하고 MIME type에 application/octet-stream 입력하고
10. 서버명 - Sites - Default Web Site - Symbols 로 이동한 후 Authentication 더블 클릭후 Windows Authentication 만 Enable 하고 나머지는 Disable 함
   (만약 Windows Authentication이 없으면 2.2 과정에서 추가가 안 된 것임)
  10.1 Authentication - Windows Authentication 선택 후 우측의 Providers 선택한 후 Negotiate 를 선택 후 Remove 선택

WinDbg 설정
1. 인증을 처리할 수 있도록 prompts 설정합니다.
   !sym prompts on
2. 심볼 서버를 설정합니다.
  .sympath srv*c:\Mysymbols*;srv*c:\OSsymbols*

Using SymStore

SymStore Command-Line Options

HTTP Symbol Stores

'Debugging' 카테고리의 다른 글

Windows Server 2003 BugCheck 0x7E  (0) 2019.01.26
System Hang 분석  (0) 2018.11.24
[디버거 명령]!Mex.p  (0) 2017.09.25
[디버깅 명령]!  (0) 2017.09.24

Windows Server 2016은 가장 최신 Windows 라 그런지 새로운 기능에 대한 Fix가 아직 많은 것으로 보입니다.

February 13, 2018—KB4074590 (OS Build 14393.2068)

MPIO에서 IO에 대한 제약이 설정 되어 있을때 Path에 대한 Failover 발생시 모든 사용 가능한 Path가 Failed 될 수 있는 이슈가 수정 되었습니다.
  • Addresses issue where a failover in MPIO while throttling input and output requests may cause all available paths to fail.
KB4057142, KB4056890 를 SMB 파일 서버에 설치 하였을때 junction point와 volume mount point 접근시 발생하는 이슈가 수정 되었습니다.
  • Addresses issue where, after installing KB4057142 or KB4056890 on an SMB server, accessing files in directory junction points or volume mount points hosted on the server may fail. The error is “ERROR_INVALID_REPARSE_DATA”. For example, this symptom may be observed:

February 22, 2018—KB4077525 (OS Build 14393.2097)

WinRM event query 할때 발생하는 이슈가 수정 되었습니다.
  • Addresses issue where the WinRM event query returns the error "0x6c6 (RPC_S_INVALID_BOUND)" from the target server. The error appears when servers are configured to push their security event logs to a central server for analysis using a subscription.
File 전송을 할 때 tcpip.sys 에서 BugCheck 0xD1이 발생하면서 시스템이 크래시 되는 이슈가 수정 되었습니다.
  • Addresses issue where a server error occurs occasionally during file transfer. The error is “Stop D1 in tcpip!TcpSegmentTcbSend”.
iSCSI redirection 을 사용하였을때 BugCheck 0x9F가 발생하는 이슈가 수정 되었습니다.
  • Addresses issue where iSCSI target redirection during login may lead to stop error 9f.
MPIO를 사용할 때 Disk의 상태가 pending removal 일 경우 pass-through SCSI 요청이 멈출 수 있는 이슈가 수정 되었습니다.
  • Addresses issue in MPIO where pass-through SCSI requests may lead to a stop error if the disk is pending removal.
MPIO에서 Path를 선택하는 알고리즘이 수정 되었습니다.
  • Updates MPIO path selection algorithm to match the documentation when all paths are Active or Unoptimized.
NVMe 디바이서의 사용이 증가되면서 관련 이슈가 나오는 것으로 보입니다. 응용 프로그램을 시작할 때 StorNVMe 의 지연 기능으로 인해 CPU 사용량이 증가되는 이슈가 수정 되었습니다.
  • Addresses issue where a delay function in StorNVMe may cause a small CPU usage increase when launching applications.
ReFS 는 계속 사용 시나리오가 늘어 나면서 새로운 이슈들이 등장하고 새로운 튜닝 옵션들이 많이 증가하고 있습니다. ReFS를 백업 용도로 사용하는 Veeam 제품에서 Physical Memory에서 Metadata 영역이 메모리를 많이 사용하는 이슈가 있어서 fix가 나왔습니다. ReFS는 Allocate-on-write 방식으로 metadata를 관리하는데 metadata에 변경 사항이 있을때 기존 메모리를 변경하는 것이 아니고 새로운 메모리를 할당해서 쓰는 방식을 사용합니다. 이 방식을 사용하는 경우 변경사항이 있을 때마다 metadata용 메모리를 할당해야 해서 물리 메모리에 부하가 걸리게 됩니다.
  • Improves ReFS performance by more thoroughly unmapping multiple views of a file. See KB4090104 for additional tunable registry parameters to address large ReFS metadata streams.
  • Improves ReFS performance by removing idle containers from its hash table.
Unified Writer Filter (예전에 PC방에서 사용하던 하드디스크 보안관 같은 기능으로 디스크에 대한 쓰기가 별도의 공간으로 리디렉트 되는 것입니다.) 를 사용할 때 BugCheck 0xE1 (WORKER_THREAD_RETURNED_AT_BAD_IRQL)이 발생하는 이슈가 수정 되었습니다.
  • Addresses issue where booting with Unified Write Filter and a connected USB hub may lead to stop error E1.
SDN 관련 이슈도 보고 되었네요 이 이슈는 Azure Stack에도 적용되지 않을까 싶습니다.
  • Cleans the public IP with the correct information for the SDN Network Manager.
Deduplication 기능이 나왔을때 가장 걱정 했던 이슈가 파일이 손상되는 것인데 2.2TB 정도 되는 파일에 이슈가 있었습니다.
  • Addresses issue where a file that is optimized and is less than 2.2 TB may be corrupted by the Dedup process when the file is updated to exceed 2.2 TB.
  • Addresses issue where a file is always marked as corrupted—even though it isn't—when running a full Dedup scrub on a file larger than 2.2 TB.

Windows Server 2012 R2는 2018년 1, 2월에 중요 업데이트가 없습니다.

Windows Server 2012 는 17년 11월 부터 18년 02월까지 큰 이슈는 없는 것으로 보입니다.

January 17, 2018—KB4057402 (Preview of Monthly Rollup)

Windows Server 원격 관리를 담당하는 WinRM 서비스의 크래시, Deadlock에 대한 이슈가 해결 되었습니다.

Addresses the following issues with the WinRM service:
- A threading issue that may cause the WinRM service to crash under load. This is a client-side solution, so you must apply it to the affected computers(s) and the computers that communicate with the WinRM service.
- A system performance issue that may cause logon to stop responding with the message, "Please wait for the Remote Desktop Configuration". This was caused by a deadlock in the WinRM service.

이번 Windows Server 2008 R2의 업데이트 중 중요한 내용을 정리해 보았습니다..

November 14, 2017—KB4048958 (Monthly Rollup)

Azure AD와 AD FS를 연동하는 이슈가 늘어나서 관련 이슈들이 많이 수정되는 것으로 보입니다.
  • Addressed issue in which AD FS can no longer ignore "prompt=login" during authentication. A "Disabled" option was added to support scenarios in which password authentication is not used. For more information, see AD FS ignores the "prompt=login" parameter during an authentication in Windows Server 2012 R2.
  • Addressed issue in AD FS in which MSISCookies in request headers could eventually overflow the headers size limit. This caused a failure to authenticate and return HTTP status code 400: “Bad Request - Header Too Long."
AD RMS Management console이 비 정상 종료되는 이슈가 수정 되었습니다.
  • Addressed issue in which adding user rights to an RMS template caused the Active Directory RMS management console (mmc.exe) to stop working and return an unexpected exception.
USBHUB.SYS가 랜덤하게 메모리를 손상시켜서 크래시가 발생하는 이슈가 수정된 것으로 보입니다. Server 에서 USBHUB.SYS로 인한 크래시가 얼마나 있었을지는 잘 모르겠습니다.
  • Addressed issue in which USBHUB.SYS randomly caused memory corruption that caused random system crashes that are extremely difficult to diagnose.
Miniport를 사용하는 장치 드라이버에서 DMA 요청에 이슈가 있으면 Booting이 안되는 이슈가 수정 되었습니다.
  • Addressed issue where Miniports that make 64-bit DMA requests from a single 4 GB region may fail, preventing the system from booting.

December 12, 2017—KB4054519 (Monthly Rollup)

Hyper-V Replica 관련 수정이 나왔는데 Hyper-V Replica를 실제 사용하는 사례를 아직 많이 보지는 못한 것 같습니다.
  • Addressed issue to provide complete transparency about Replication Health. Replication Health represents the state of replication based on the following criteria: low free disk space, the Hyper-V Replica Log (HRL) reaching its maximum size, and violation of the Recovery Point Objectives (RPO) threshold.
SQL Server Reporting Service에서 drop-down list를 사용할 수 없었던 이슈가 수정 되었습니다.
  • Addresses issue where users of SQL Server Reporting Services may not be able to use the scrollbar in a drop-down list.

February 13, 2018—KB4074594 (Monthly Rollup)

Active Directory를 사용해서 Application 에 대한 제한을 가하는 AppLocker 서비스가 중지되는 이슈가 수정 되었습니다.
  • Addresses issue where servers running AppLocker stop working.
Lsass.exe가 잘못된 접근을 하여 시스템이 재부팅 되는 이슈가 수정 되었습니다. (이러한 이슈는 원인분석을 하기 위해서 재현을 해야 하는데 재현이 어럽기 때문에 분석에 어려움이 많습니다.)
  • Addresses issue where an unexpected system restart occurs because of exception code 0xc0000005 (Access Violation) in LSASS.exe, where the faulting module is cryptnet.dll.
Power 상태 변화 때문에 시스템이 크래시 되는 이슈가 수정 되었습니다. (Server는 전원을 High Performance로 설정해 놓기 때문에 큰 문제는 없을 것으로 보이지만 랩톱에서는 영향이 있을 것으로 보입니다.)
  • Addresses multiple symptoms that occur during power transitions including a stop error 0x9F (0000009F) when a device tries to enter sleep mode or restart. USB PnP devices may also be unusable after waking from sleep.
메모리 관리의 동기화 이슈로 BugCheck 0x50(PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA) , 0x149(REFS_FILE_SYSTEM) 크래시가 발생하는 이슈가 수정 되었습니다. Sparse files 을 사용할 때 문제가 되는 것이라고 하니 ReFS 를 사용하는 것이 이슈가 될 수 있을것 같습니다.
  • Addresses issue where a race condition in memory management may lead to Error 0x50 or 0x149 when trimming sparse files.
Windows Server의 원격 관리를 담당하는 WinRM 서비스 관련 이슈가 수정 되었습니다. WinRM 서비스가 크래시 되거나 WinRM 서비스의 Deadlock 이슈가 수정 되었습니다.
  • Addresses the following issues with the WinRM service:
  • - A threading issue that may cause the WinRM service to crash under load. This is a client-side solution, so you must apply it to the affected computers(s) and the computers that communicate with the WinRM service.
    - A system performance issue that may cause logon to stop responding with the message, "Please wait for the Remote Desktop Configuration". This was caused by a deadlock in the WinRM service.
SharePoint가 SQL Server의 filesystem share를 사용하는데 SMB3이 Enable 되어 있으면 느려지는 이슈가 수정 되었습니다.
  • Addresses issue where when SharePoint writes to a SQL Server filestream share with SMB3 encryption enabled, the write may fail or execute very slowly.

Windows Team에서 Linux VM에 대한 지원을 향상시키고 있는 것으로 보입니다. 최근 Hyper-V를 서버로서 사용하는 시나리오보다 워크 스테이션으로 사용하여 개발자들의 개발 환경으로 선택 되게 하려는 움직임이 많이 보입니다.

이번에 가상화 팀에서 나온 블로그를 보면 Windows에서 RDP로 접속을 하거나 Enhanced mode 로 접속을 한 경우 Copy & Paste를 자유롭게 사용할 수 있는 기능을 Linux VM에도 적용하는 것으로 보입니다.

직접 개발한 것은 아닌 것으로 보이며 Microsoft의 RDP 프로토콜을 Linux에서 구현해주는 XRDP open source를 사용하여 Canonical과 함께 Ubuntu 18.04에 적용하는 것을 목표로 하고 있는 것으로 보입니다. 18.04에 기능을 넣기 전에 16.04에 설치해서 (Bug는 아직 있다고 합니다.) 미리 살펴볼 수 있다고 합니다. (Windows Insider Build 17063 을 사용해야 합니다.)

설치 방법은 Ubuntu 16.04를 설치한 후 아래 명령을 실행하면 됩니다.

#Get the scripts from GitHub
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt install git
$ git clone ~/xrdp-init
$ cd ~/xrdp-init/ubuntu/16.04/

#Make the scripts executable and run them...
$ sudo chmod +x
$ sudo chmod +x
$ sudo ./

재부팅이 완료된 후 아래 명령을 다시 실행 합니다.

$ sudo ./

VM을 종료 한 후 PowerShell을 실행해서 RDP 관련 설정을 합니다.

Set-VM -VMName <your_vm_name>  -EnhancedSessionTransportType HvSocket

Linux VM을 실행한 후 Hyper-V connect를 통해서 연결을 하면 아래 기능들을 사용할 수 있습니다.

  • 향상된 마우스 기능
  • 클립보드 통합
  • 윈도우 크기 변경
  • 드라이브 리디렉션

이 기능에는 Hyper-V socket 이라는 것이 사용되는데 host 파티션과 guest VM 사이에 바이트 스트림 기반의 통신이 가능하게 해줍니다. TCP와 비슷한 것인데 VMBus를 사용하여 빠르게 VM과 Host 사이에 통신을 할 수 있게 됩니다.

참고 :

'Windows Server' 카테고리의 다른 글

Windows Storage DeepDive  (0) 2019.06.30
Windows kernel 블로그 소개  (0) 2018.10.21
Windows Server 2019  (0) 2018.04.12
이전 Windows 문서 모음  (0) 2018.03.17
Failover Cluster 의 도메인 이동  (0) 2018.02.03

Windows Server 2016 중요 update

August 23, 2016 — KB3176934 (OS Build 14393.82)

  • Addressed issue that was causing nodes to be disconnected from a Cluster service intermittently.

September 29, 2016 — KB3194496 (OS Builds 14393.222)

  • Improved reliability of the Windows Update Agent, shared drives, virtual private network (VPN), clustering, HTTP downloads, Internet Explorer 11, Hyper-V platform, multimedia playback, and Microsoft Edge.
  • Improved performance of push and local notifications, Hyper-V platform, and some social media websites using Microsoft Edge.

December 9, 2016 — KB3201845 (OS Build 14393.479)

  • Addressed issue that causes the loss of optional component (OC) state information, including all Hyper-V virtual machines, after upgrade.

December 13, 2016 — KB3206632 (OS Build 14393.576)

  • Addressed an issue with PCI.SYS saving and restoring invalid data for the Virtual Channel (VC) that was causing system errors during reboot cycles as well as failures to enumerate devices, that may lead to bugchecks.
  • Addressed issue where a Catalog-signed module installation does not work on Nano Server.

March 14, 2017—KB4013429 (OS Build 14393.953)

  • Addressed issue in KB3213986 where the Cluster Service may not start automatically on the first reboot after applying the update.
  • Addressed an issue which improves the reliability of Enable-ClusterS2D PowerShell cmdlet.
  • Addressed an issue where the Virtual Machine Management Service (Vmms.exe) may crash during a live migration of virtual machines.
  • Improved the bandwidth of SSD/NVMe drives available to application workloads during S2D rebuild operations.
  • Addressed an issue where Remote Desktop Servers crash with a Stop 0x27 in RxSelectAndSwitchPagingFileObject when RDP clients connect and utilize redirected drives, printers, or removable USB drives.
  • Addressed issue that occurs whenever the multipath IO attempts to log I/O statistics with no paths present.
  • Addressed issue that may decrease performance by up to 50% when Ethernet adapters that support receive side scaling (RSS) fail to re-enable RSS after a fault or system upgrade.
  • Addressed issue with multipath I/O failure that can lead to data corruption or application failures.
  • Addressed issue that occurs when a Network Driver Interface Specification function NdisMFreeSharedMemory() is not called at the correct Interrupt Request Level.
  • Addressed issue where SQL server takes 30 minutes to shut down on machines with a lot of RAM (>2TB).

April 11, 2017—KB4015217 (OS Build 14393.1066 and 14393.1083)

  • Improved the Host Network Service (HNS) to support an overlay network driver for use on Windows Server 2016 to connect containers across hosts using Docker Engine in Swarm Mode.
  • Addressed issue that causes virtual machines to fail during high I/O scenarios where the user may log in multiple times.
    Improved the reliability of Load Balancing/Failover (LBFO) whenever there is a resource rebalance, a device failure, or a surprise removal of a device.

May 9, 2017—KB4019472 (OS Build 14393.1198)

  • Addressed issue where multipath I/O did not properly restore service after the check condition "Illegal request, LUN not available (sense codes 05/25/00)" occurs.
  • Addressed issue where a Stop 0x27 error occurs after a user provides the domain username and password.
  • Addressed an issue with a paging file space leak that leads Windows to a crash, blue screen, or data loss.

June 13, 2017—KB4022715 (OS Build 14393.1358)

  • Addressed an issue where the network interface description name of a network adapter is not updated in Hyper-V after a device driver update.
  • Management of a NIC Team or vSwitch within Hyper-V Administrator or System Center Virtual Machine Manager may be affected.
  • Addressed issue that was causing devices to crash when hot plugging USB 3.0 Network Adapters
  • Addressed an issue where Cluster health service fails to report fault event to MAS HM component.

June 27, 2017—KB4022723 (OS Build 14393.1378)

  • Addressed issue where multipath I/O does not use other available paths during a failover scenario.
  • Addressed issue where Page faults for Demand Zero Pages are significantly slower (> 10%), which causes many applications to run slower.
  • Addressed issue with the Server Message Block Bandwidth limiting feature not working.
  • Addressed issue where the storage replication driver (wvrf.sys) is in an infinite loop.
  • Addressed issue where a 2012 R2 or below Remote Desktop License Server causes the 2016 Remote Desktop Services Host to crash and stop giving sessions to clients.
  • Addressed issue where you may lose access to storage disks when there are still available paths if there is an error on one of the multipath I/O paths.
  • Addressed issue where the creation of virtual disks fails in Windows Server 2016 storage spaces when the physical disk allocation is set to manual for all the selected disks.

July 11, 2017—KB4025339 (OS Build 14393.1480)

  • Addressed issue with race condition that causes Lync Edge servers to randomly crash (Stop Error D1). Any active, open session within a federated domain loses connectivity for conference calls, instant messaging, etc.
  • Addressed issue with memory leaks in the nonpaged pool with the "NDnd" tag, which causes the OS to crash.

July 18, 2017—KB4025334 (OS Build 14393.1532)

  • Addressed issue with a port and thread leak that can cause a broad array of symptoms including unresponsive systems and iSCSI target connection failures. This occurs after installing monthly updates released between April 11, 2017 (KB4015217) through July 11, 2017 (KB4025339).
  • This issue was called out as known issue in the corresponding release notes for these updates.
  • Addressed issue where faulty silicon in Solid-State Drives impacted the performance of the Microsoft Standard NVM Express Driver (stornvme).
  • Addressed issue where the Windows NVDIMM driver will attempt to dismount any volumes on the device and transition into a read-only state when NVDIMM devices lose persistence.
  • Addressed issue where when you use SCVMM to manage virtual servers, if any CSV is offline, SCVMM cannot enumerate or locate the CSVs on the clusters.
  • Addressed issue where when you enable deduplication on a volume larger than 10 TB, optimization may stop prematurely and never complete.
  • Addressed issue where a LUN connection that was received after the buffer allocation during iSCSI statistic collection overflowed the buffer and caused error 0x19. A UI issue that hides the iSCSI targets will be addressed in an upcoming release.
  • Addressed issue where an MPIO path failure on a Hyper-V host might lead to complete loss of disk access.
  • Addressed issue where a missing break statement might cause an MPIO LUN to be unexpectedly removed.
  • Addressed issue where NTFS referenced an invalid parameter when using Task Scheduler, resulting in Stop Error 0x24.
  • Addressed issue where the system would throw an error when attempting to mount a corrupt ReFS volume in Read-Only mode.
  • Addressed performance issues in ReFS when backing up many terabytes of data.
  • Addressed issue where a stuck thread in ReFS might cause memory corruption.
  • Addressed issue where the health of S2D clusters was inconsistently reported.

August 16, 2017—KB4034661 (OS Build 14393.1613)

  • Addressed issue where a black screen appears when launching an application on Citrix XenApp that was deployed from Windows Server 2016. For more details, read CTX225819.
  • Addressed issue where third-party directory structures caused Disk Cleanup to render a boot drive inaccessible.
  • Addressed issue where unsynchronized access in NtfsQueryLinksInfo led to a system crash.
  • Addressed issue where an extremely high number of I/O flushes might lead to an error.
  • Addressed issue by increasing the time out window when starting Docker for Windows to avoid 0x5b4 errors.

September 12, 2017—KB4038782 (OS Build 14393.1715)

  • Addressed issue where Windows Error Reporting doesn't clean up temporary files when there is a redirection on a folder.
  • Addressed issue where some Windows clients receive a 0xc0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION error when trying to install drivers.

September 28, 2017—KB4038801 (OS Build 14393.1737)

  • Addressed issue where the size of a cloned file was improperly calculated by ReFS.
  • Addressed error STOP 0x44 in Npfs!NpFsdDirectoryControl.
  • Addressed error 0x1_SysCallNum_71_nt!KiSystemServiceExitPico.
  • Addressed issue that may occur when you inspect a corrupted VHDX file on a Hyper-V host; the error is “Multiple Bugcheck BAD_POOL_CALLER (c2) 0000000000000007; Attempt to free pool which was already freed”. However, when Special Pool is enabled, the error is “0xCC PAGE_FAULT_IN_FREED_SPECIAL_POOL”.
  • Addressed issue where ksecdd.sys causes LSASS to leak kernel memory in paged pool. This most commonly affects servers that host an HTTPS service and handle a heavy load of TLS handshakes from clients.
  • Addressed issue where attempting to extend a Clustered Shared Volume (the source disk) beyond 2 TB using Disk Management in the Storage Replica feature of Windows Server 2016 Datacenter Edition fails. The error is “There is not enough space available on the disk to complete this operation”. The same problem may occur when using the Resize-Partition PowerShell cmdlet. In this case, the error is “Not enough available capacity”.

October 17, 2017—KB4041688 (OS Build 14393.1794)

  • Improved M.2 NVMe SSD throughput when the queue size increases.
  • Addressed issue where running Event Tracing for Windows with Volsnap may result in error 0x50.
  • Addressed issue where Miniports that make 64-bit DMA requests from a single 4 GB region may fail, preventing the system from booting.
  • Addressed issue where a disk losing communication with its S2D cluster may lead to a stale fault domain descriptor for the enclosure.
  • Addressed issue where, if an update to a pool config header occurs when it’s performing a read function, a stop error may occur in a Windows Server 2016 Storage Spaces Directory (S2D) deployment.

November 27, 2017—KB4051033 (OS Build 14393.1914)

  • Addressed issue where a Storage Spaces Direct (S2D) drive that is failing or being removed from a node is incorrectly reported as healthy in admin tools. These tools include Get-Physical Disk, Server Manager, and Failover Cluster Manager.
  • Addressed issue where a repair job could be suspended indefinitely after re-adding a node to an S2D cluster.
  • Addressed issue where an incomplete Storage Spaces repair could lead to faulty metadata causing future repairs to stop working.
  • Addressed a token leak in services.exe that occurs after applying MS16-111/KB3175027. This results in a kernel session object leak that degrades system performance over time. This especially affects Terminal Server implementations, where more user logons typically occur.
  • Improved performance when launching applications that use Virtual Disk Service to manage volumes.
  • Addressed issue that causes the VmCompute process to stop working when you reset the Virtual Machine (VM) after Dynamic Memory (DM) changes its memory footprint. This occurs when Non-Uniform Memory Access (NUMA) spanning is disabled and DM is enabled.

December 12, 2017—KB4053579 (OS Build 14393.1944)

  • Addresses issue where users of SQL Server Reporting Services may not be able to use the scrollbar in a drop-down list.

January 17, 2018—KB4057142 (OS Build 14393.2034)

  • Addresses issue where some customers on a small subset of older AMD processors get into an unbootable state.
  • Improves compatibility with U.2 NVMe devices, specifically in hot-add/removal cases.
  • Addresses issue where the iSCSI Initiator Properties Devices list doesn't display certain targets.
  • Addresses synchronization issue where backing up large Resilient File System (ReFS) volumes may lead to errors 0xc2 and 7E.
  • Enables IT administrators to scientifically troubleshoot I/O failures using a comprehensive event log for the resiliency state transition.


Windows Server 2012 R2의 Rollup 리스트 입니다. 

Windows Server 2012 R2는 현재 주력으로 쓰이는 OS라 그런지 패치가 많습니다.

July 21, 2016 — KB3172614

  • Addressed issue in Host Bus Adapters (HBA) that was including non-Fibre Channel HBA devices in the Fibre Channel HBA list.
  • Added support to set the idle timeout value of a TCP connection used by WinHTTP.
  • When you try to configure connecting a SCSI storage device to a Windows Hyper-V Host, the Host will not recognize the SCSI storage device when Logical Unit (LUN) 0 is not present.
  • When there is more logging session churn on the system because of workloads that are being run, Event Tracking (ETW) will crash.
  • Improved reliability of Hyper-V Replica (HVR) by increasing the timeout value and the free disk space threshold. For more info, see KB3184854.
  • If you installed the May 2016 update rollup for Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2 (KB3156418), the DFSRS.exe process may consume a high percentage of CPU processing power (up to 100 percent). This may cause the DFSR service to become unresponsive and you may be unable to stop the service. You must hard-boot affected computers to restart them.

August 16, 2016 — KB3179574

  • Addressed issue that causes the loss of available memory when running queries using the domain name service (DNS).
    Improved performance by addressing an issue that was causing duplicate broadcast data packets to be received by each network interface card (NIC) and sent to applications, when NIC Teaming or Load Balancing/Failover (LBFO) is set-up in active/passive mode.
  • Addressed issue that sometimes causes backups to fail or servers to hang with drivers that use the IoVolumeDeviceToDosName() routine.
  • Addressed issue with domain controllers that periodically reboot after a Local Security Authority Subsystem Service (LSASS) module fault, causing the interruption of application and services that are bound to the domain controller at that time.
  • Addressed issue with DNS servers that get stuck in a loop and stop responding to DNS queries.
  • Addressed issue with cluster services that stop working when network loss logging occurs. This occurs when a network connection is down and virtual machines (VM) are configured with one possible owner.
  • Addressed issue in Server Message Block (SMB) server that causes the server to crash intermittently with error 0x50.
  • Addressed issue that causes domain controllers (DC) to stop working when generating compounded tickets.

September 20, 2016 — KB3185279

  • Addressed issue that causes Windows Explorer to become unresponsive when sharing a folder that is the child of at least two shared parent folders.
  • Addressed issue with Storage Spaces log truncation which resulted in data loss and errors when reading records.
  • Addressed issue that occurs with any MPIO attached SAN disk when multiple paths fail over concurrently or in quick succession, the I/O operation may fail, and the computer may lose its connection to the storage device.
  • Addressed issue that causes wbengine.exe to fail while running Windows Backup on a GUID Partition Table (GPT) formatted disk.
  • Addressed issue (after installing KB3161606) where running data deduplication on a Cluster Shared Volume (CSV) on Windows Server 2012 R2 based Hyper-V cluster might impact live migration where resource hosting subsystem (RHS) may deadlock and become unresponsive with an 0x9E Stop error.

November 8, 2016 — KB3197874 (Monthly Rollup)

  • Addressed issue with a shared drive that becomes unavailable and takes up to 20 minutes to recover.
  • Addressed issue with memory leaks that occur in the ISCSI WMI Provider. The WMI service fails to perform certain WMI queries, and the provider terminates, which can cause an outage.
  • Addressed issue where LSASS would consume 100% CPU on domain controller role machines due to the intersecting of large database indexes when handling a search request from LDAP clients.
  • Addressed issue where Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC) is restarted and SQL Server instances might not be able to reconnect to MS DTC successfully. Therefore, distributed transactions might fail with an error message until you restart the SQL server instances.
  • Addressed issue where virtual machines (VMs) on a Hyper-V failover cluster causes instability and crashes.

December 13, 2016—KB3205401 (Monthly Rollup)

  • Addressed issue where updating the driver for the onboard RAID controller to a version higher than the RTM version causes all impacted servers to stop responding indefinitel
  • Addressed issue where a cluster node that has lost network connectivity doesn’t fail over properly to the partner node that has full network connectivity. On the node with full network connectivity, the cluster services shut down.
  • Addressed issue where, after enabling the Cluster Service’s IgnorePersistentStateOnStartup switch for troubleshooting, you must restart the entire cluster to exit diagnostic mode when troubleshooting is done.
  • Addressed issue with a consistent five-second delay during network data transfer to a Microsoft iSCSI Initiator Server.
  • Addressed issue where a disk that’s configured with the Resilient File System (ReFS) stops working when it’s under heavy loads and is using software that makes calls to a Direct Access Storage Device (DASD) I/O. Any infrastructure or components that rely on this disk will also stop working.
  • Addressed issue where some cluster nodes become unresponsive when the Wmiprvse service fails.
  • Addressed issue with lost access to a shared Resilient File System (ReFS) volume folder when a write operation occurs and its parent folder is being renamed concurrently. The file server (ReFS) becomes unavailable.
    Improved server’s first boot time.
  • Addressed issue where timeout failures occur when using Microsoft Multipath I/O (MPIO.SYS) and a path temporarily fails.

March 14, 2017—KB4012216 (Monthly Rollup)

  • Improved performance during monthly patching when Address Windowing Extensions are enabled for SQL.
  • Improved reliability for Server 2012 r2 clustered environments.

April 11, 2017—KB4015550 (Monthly Rollup)

  • Addressed issue where a Scale-Out File Server that uses dual parity disks loses access to a disk if a disk fails while the parity log is being written.
  • Addressed issue with the Spaceport driver that causes disks to detach after a hard restart.
  • Addressed issue in multipath I/O when Driver Verifier is enabled.
  • Addressed issue that causes crashes in a customer’s data path management software because of a regression in multipath I/O after installing KB3185279, KB3185331, or KB3192404.
  • Addressed issue where installation of KB3121261 on a third-party, thinly provisioned Storage Area Network causes multipath I/O Event ID 48. This is in response to Small Computer System Interface status - 0X28 - SCSISTAT_QUEUE_FULL (SRB Status - 0X4 - SRB_STATUS_ERROR).
  • Addressed issue with multipath I/O failure that can lead to data corruption or application failures.
  • Addressed issue that causes a crash when the user tries to connect to the server using WinShare and Remote Desktop Services. Stop error 0x50 at win32k!pDCIAdjClr+0x4f.
  • Addressed issue that breaks high-availability and fail over of a clustered virtual machine (VM). This occurs when the default data store settings for the VMs are configured inconsistently across the nodes in the cluster. For example, some data store settings are in %ProgramData%, while others use shared storage.
  • Addressed issue where, under high load, the background tasks threads are blocked. None of the clusters that use Virtual Hard Disk Sharing can access their disks. This results in unresponsive virtual machines.
  • Addressed issue (error 0x800b) that causes System Center Virtual Machine Manager to fail after live migrating a virtual machine between two Hyper-V clusters.
  • Addressed issue with random crashes on Hyper-V servers when users access Virtual Hard Disk files on Cluster Shared Volumes.
  • Addressed issue that causes file share witnesses stored on a Scale-Out File Server cluster 2012R2 to fail. Event ID for this Error is 1562 and you will get an Error 64 in the Cluster Log for the failed Healthcheck (from RFC 7205769).
  • Addressed issue to add the LiveDump capture feature that will trigger a live kernel dump if requests are stuck for an extended period.
  • Addressed issue where Failover Cluster Manager crashes when connecting to a cluster with a long name (15+ characters). This occurs after .NET 4.6.1 is installed.
  • Addressed issue that crashes Exchange servers whenever a customer installs an Exchange cumulative or security update. Error code: STOP 0x3B
  • Addressed a bug check encountered on Windows Server 2012 R2 Hyper-V hosts with error code 0xE4 after installing KB4012216.
  • Addressed issue where a server may fail with STOP 0x3B error leading to data loss when Input Method Editors (IME) like keyboards are installed.

May 9, 2017—KB4019215 (Monthly Rollup)

  • Addressed an issue that may cause the WSMan Service (WsmSvc) to crash randomly when multiple Windows Remote Management (WinRM) requests are being executed in the WSMan Service.
  • Addressed issue where the Event subscription service stops working, does not send events to the collector server, and drop events when using Windows Remote Management (WinRM) and event forwarding.
  • Addressed high CPU utilization by the Wmiprvse.exe process on a computer that is running Windows 8.1 or Windows Server 2012 R2. If you run scripts or use software that queries WMI, the Wmiprvse.exe process may consume a lot of CPU resources even after you stop the script or software
  • Addressed issue where Hyper-V hosts may crash when performing incremental backups with Change Block Tracking (CBT) enabled
  • Addressed issue that caused backups to fail on Hyper-V clusters with CSV volumes enabled.
  • Addressed issue where MPIO did not properly restore service after the check condition "Illegal request, LUN not available (sense codes 05/25/00)" occurs.
  • Addressed issue where a node cluster experiences sporadic crashes during high I/O activities such as backup or maintenance windows. Error: Common bucket ID  (WIN8_DRIVER_FAULT) - 0x3B_msiscsi!iSpReleaseConnectionReferences
  • Addressed issue that causes poor CPU performance when Virtual Switch Ports leak when a machine is migrated live from one host to another.
  • Addressed issue where thin clients connected to the server fail (STOP 0x3B) and unsaved data is lost.

June 13, 2017—KB4022726 (Monthly Rollup)

  • Addressed issue where the Server Message Block 3.0’s Continuous Availability feature degrades software performance when the FindFirstFileEx() function receives a path that ends with ".." or ".".
  • Addressed issue where the Common Log File System references an invalid parameter when users create new folders and new tasks using Task Scheduler, which generates Stop Error 0x24.
  • Addressed issue where a Virtual Machine sporadically loses its network connection completely.
  • Addressed issue where Windows Event Forwarding between two 2012 R2 servers makes reports incompatible with third-party Security Information and Event Management software.
  • Addressed an issue where LSASS consumes large amounts of memory on 2012 R2 Domain Controllers during a security descriptor propagation operation. This issue occurs when a security descriptor change is made on a root object with lots of descendants. Additionally, Applies To is set to "This object and all descendant objects."
  • Addressed issue where an unsupported hardware notification is shown and Windows Updates not scanning, for systems using the AMD Carrizo DDR4 processor or Windows Server 2012 R2 systems using Xeon E3V6 processor. For the affected system, follow the steps in the Additional Information section below to install this update.

July 11, 2017—KB4025336 (Monthly Rollup)

  • Addressed an issue where MPIO failover stops after a disk has been surprise removed, identified by Event ID 157: "Disk X has been surprised removed" when there are still viable paths to use. Scenario may occur when the newly selected path belongs to the disk that has been surprised removed
  • Addressed issue where a server crash causes loss of access to files and requires full recoveries for mirrored data.
  • Addressed issue with NTFS error event, ID:55, that occurs when using Unified Write Filter in DISK mode.
  • Addressed issue where, when running ChkDsk on a volume that has several million files, ChkDsk may take several weeks to complete and appears to be stuck in Stage 3.
  • Addressed issue about the Hyper-V integration service that causes users to lose network access when Accelerated Networking (single root I/O virtualization (SR-IOV)) is enabled on guest Virtual Machines (VM). The netvsc_vfpp protocol provides IO virtualization functionality for NICs that support SR-IOV. If the protocol is removed and multiple NICs are attached to a guest VM, network access is lost.
  • Addressed issue where the Microsoft Standard NVM Express Driver (stornvme) incorrectly exposed inactive namespaces as disks to the OS. The OS cannot use inactive namespaces and they should not be exposed to the OS.

August 8, 2017—KB4034681 (Monthly Rollup)

  • Addressed issue with a port and thread leak that can cause a broad array of symptoms including unresponsive systems and iSCSI target connection failures. This occurs after installing monthly updates released between April 11, 2017 (KB4015550) through July 11, 2017 (KB4025336). This issue was called out as known issue in the corresponding release notes for these releases
  • Addressed issue where LSASS.EXE encounters a deadlock and the server must be rebooted.
  • Addressed issue with a race condition that causes Lync Edge servers to randomly crash (Stop Error D1). Any active, open session within a federated domain loses connectivity for conference calls, instant messaging, etc.
  • Addressed issue where when a failover cluster fails over from one server to another, a clustered IP address resource does not come online and causes the failover to stop functioning.
  • Addressed issue where a LUN connection that was received after the buffer allocation during iSCSI statistic collection overflowed the buffer and caused error 0x19. A UI issue that hides the iSCSI targets will be addressed in an upcoming release..
  • Addressed issue where if there was an error on a storage controller, some paths could not fail over to other paths. Instead, access to the disk was completely lost.
  • Addressed issue where both transient and listener process TCP ports for the loopback sockets leak because of a leaked reference count. Such ports do not appear in NETSTAT.

September 12, 2017—KB4038792 (OS Build Monthly Rollup)

  • Addressed issue where unsynchronized access within NTFS may lead to an error.
  • Addressed issue where a LUN connection that was received after the buffer allocation during iSCSI statistic collection overflowed the buffer and caused error 0x19.
  • Addressed a UI issue that hides the iSCSI targets from the iSCSI initiator property windows.
  • Addressed issue where an extremely high number of I/O flushes may lead to an error.
  • Addressed issue where deleting an object that has many links in Active Directory causes replication to fail with Event 1084, error 8409 "A database error has occurred". For additional information, read KB3149779.
  • Addressed issue with an access violation in LSASS that occurs when Active Directory receives a malformed LsaLookupNames response. The signature of the LSASS AV is "The system process 'C:\Windows\system32\lsass.exe' terminated unexpectedly with status code -1073741819”. The system shuts down and restarts. Error 107374181 maps to 0xc0000005/STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION.
  • Addressed issue where running chkdsk /scan unexpectedly triggers spotfix. Sometimes spotfix times out, and the system goes down.
  • Addressed issue where the hardware clock may drift by hours or days when running Linux VM's on Hyper-V.

October 10, 2017—KB4041693 (Monthly Rollup)

  • Addressed issue where the performance counter query causes CPU usage to increase for extended periods of time. This occurs because EnumCounterObjects() queries the data for all counters when it tries to get the names of all counters.
  • Cleaned up leaked validation ports associated with snapshots in VMMS.
  • Addressed issue where users can't access file shares when the Windows Server 2012 R2 file server resource comes back online after it has gone offline.

November 14, 2017—KB4048958 (Monthly Rollup)

  • Addressed issue where Miniports that make 64-bit DMA requests from a single 4 GB region may fail, preventing the system from booting.

December 12, 2017—KB4054519 (Monthly Rollup)

  • Addressed issue to provide complete transparency about Replication Health. Replication Health represents the state of replication based on the following criteria: low free disk space, the Hyper-V Replica Log (HRL) reaching its maximum size, and violation of the Recovery Point Objectives (RPO) threshold.


Windows Failover Cluster를 관리 하다보면 Domain과 너무 강하게 연결 되어 있다는 것을 알 수 있습니다. Windows Server 2016 이전에는 Failover Cluster를 구축할 때 Active Directory Domain이 꼭 필요 했었기 때문에 단순이 SQL Server Cluster를 만들기 위해서 Active Directory 서버가 필요했습니다. 그리고 Active Directory가 잘 관리 되지 않으면 Failover Cluster의 인증 문제나 Network Name 리소스에 문제가 생기기도 하였습니다.

Windows Server 2016 부터는 Multi-Cluster, Workgroup Cluster 가 나오면서 이 문제가 많이 해결되었습니다.

Windows Server, version 1709에서는 더 새로운 기능이 추가되었는데 Failover Cluster를 다른 도메인으로 이동할 수 있는 기능 입니다. Active Directory와 Failover Cluster 관계를 살펴 보면 Cluster 이름이 CNO라는 것으로 Active Directory에 등록되어 있고 각 리소스의 Network Name Resource가 VCO라는 것으로 Active Directory에 등록되어 있는 것입니다. CNO, VCO 그리고 각 노드의 Computer Object 들이 각각 권한 설정이 되어 있습니다.

Windows Server, version 1709에서는 아래 방법으로 Domain을 이동할 수 있습니다.

환경 : 모든 노드가 Windows Server, version 1709 Failover Cluster

        FS-CLUSTER 라는 파일 서버가 리소스로 등록되어 있습니다.

1. 모든 Cluster Network Name 리소스를 Offline으로 만듭니다.

2. Cluster 타입을 Workgroup으로 만듭니다.

   Remove-ClusterNameAccount -Cluster MyCluster -DeleteComputerAccounts

3. Active Directory Users and Computers 에서 CNO와 VCO가 삭제된 것을 확인합니다.

4. Cluster 서비스를 중지하고 시작 유형을 변경 합니다.

   Stop-Service -Name ClusSvc

   Set-Service -Name ClusSvc -StartupType Manual

5. Failover Cluster 노드를 Workgroup으로 변경한 후 다시 새로운 Domain에 join 합니다.

6. Cluster 서비스를 다시 시작하고 시작 유형을 변경합니다.

   Start-Service -Name ClusSvc

   Set-Service -Name ClusSvc -StartupType Automatic

7. Cluster 이름과  Network Name 리소스를 Online 시킵니다.

   Start-ClusterGroup -Name "Cluster Group"

   Start-ClusterResource -Name FS-Clus

8. 새로운 Domain에 등록 합니다. (Network Name 리소스는 꼭 Online 상태이어야 합니다.)

   New-ClusterNameAccount -Name MyCluster-Domain -UpgradeVCOs

9. 새로운 도메인의 Active Directory Users and Computers 에서 새로 생성된 CNO, VCO를 확인합니다.

10. 파일 서버 리소스를 시작 합니다.

   Start-ClusterGroup -Name FS-Cluster

기업 환경에서는 Windows Server, version 1709를 아직은 적용하지 못할 것이기 때문에 이 기능을 사용할 수 없겠지만 Windows Server의 기능들이 빠르게 변화하고 있는 것을 확인할 수 있었습니다.


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